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Academic Retention Standards – Undergraduate

About This Policy

Last Updated
Policy Owner
Academic Affairs
Responsible Office
Academic Affairs
Student Development Campus Life

This policy is for undergraduate students only.

Montclair State University considers students with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher to be in good academic standing.

The GPA (grade point average) is calculated on a 4.000 scale. Students with a cumulative GPA below 2.000 are designated, at first, as on academic notice. Academic notice can lead to academic suspension then dismissal. The information on this page is here to help students avoid academic notice, suspension and/or dismissal.

Stages of Academic Action

Academic Warning (Good Standing/Warning)

To help students avoid the serious consequences of being on academic notice, students with a cumulative GPA between 2.249 – 2.00 have an academic standing of Good Standing/Warning. This standing signifies to the student that additional academic support is recommended.

Students on Good Standing/Warning are strongly encouraged to meet with their assigned advisor(s) to assist them in developing a strategy for academic success. This strategy may include the recommendation to repeat those courses for which a grade of D or F was earned. Students should meet with an academic advisor, faculty advisor or secondary academic advisor/counselor (EOF, Veteran, Athletics, etc.).

Academic Notice

Good academic standing requires a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA. If you have not met this requirement, you are placed on Academic Notice. Students on Academic Notice must:

  • Raise their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher in one term to return to good academic standing.
  • Meet with an academic advisor or faculty advisor (advisors found in Navigate)
  • Participate in, and successfully complete, the required notice requirements. Requirements include academic support, academic workshop attendance and meetings with advisor(s) through the semester. Requirement details covered at academic notice workshop

Students who are unable to raise their term/semester GPA and cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher in one term will face Academic Suspension. Students who earn a term/semester GPA of 2.0 or higher, but their cumulative GPA remains below 2.0, will be placed on Continued Notice.

Continued Notice

Following a semester of Academic Notice, students who earn a term/semester GPA of 2.0 or higher, but their cumulative GPA remains below 2.0, will be placed on Continued Notice. Students on Continued Notice must earn a term/semester GPA of 2.25 or greater if their cumulative GPA remains below a 2.0 to remain enrolled at the University.

Students on Continued Notice must:

  • Raise their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher in one term to return to good academic standing.
  • Meet with an academic advisor or faculty advisor (found in Navigate).
  • Participate in, and successfully complete, the required notice requirements. Requirements include academic support, academic workshop attendance and meetings with advisor(s) through the semester. Requirement details covered at a Continued Notice workshop.

Students on Continued Notice who are unable to earn a term/semester GPA of 2.25, and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher in one term, will face Academic Suspension.

Academic Suspension

Students who do not meet the stated retention standards are placed on Academic Suspension. Suspended students cannot take classes at Montclair State University for a full calendar year (two consecutive semesters, including summer and winter sessions) unless they participate in the ADVS 198 option, or successfully appeal their suspension (see suspension options below).

Suspension Options:

ADVS 198/Pathways to Success:

Eligible students suspended for the first time will be required to participate in ADVS 198. ADVS 198/Pathways to Success is a one-credit course for students on academic suspension. Students participating in ADVS 198 are required to enroll in ADVS 198, and at least one additional course, for a maximum of 13 credits total in that semester.

Students who participate in ADVS 198, but do not earn the minimum term/semester GPA of 2.0, must sit out for at least one semester. The ADVS 198 semester counts as the first semester of suspension toward the two consecutive semester requirement. ADVS 198 students may apply for readmission after completing the one semester away from the University. Readmission is not guaranteed.

While stepping away from campus to complete an academic suspension, it is strongly recommended that students earn at least 15 credits at another institution, earning a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA, and no D or F grades, before applying for readmission to Montclair State University. Students are strongly encouraged to speak with their academic advisors and the Office of Financial Aid before enrolling in courses outside the University.

Suspension Appeal:

All students who are on Academic Suspension and not participating in ADVS 198 may request that the University reconsider its decision by submitting an appeal to the Scholastic Appeals Committee. The Committee will review only those appeals that are complete and are received by the specified due date. A student can only appeal their suspension once and all decisions reached by the Scholastic Appeals Committee are final.

Complete two consecutive semesters of suspension:

Academic Suspension, if not enrolling in ADVS 198, is two-consecutive semesters, or one full academic year including summer and winter sessions, away from the University. Students are eligible to apply for readmission after completing the suspension terms. Readmission is not guaranteed.

While stepping away from the University to complete an academic suspension, it is strongly recommended that students earn at least 15 credits at another institution, earning a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA, and no D or F grades, before applying for readmission to Montclair State University. Students are strongly encouraged to speak with their academic advisors and the Office of Financial Aid before enrolling in courses outside the University.

Readmission After Academic Suspension – Academic Monitoring

Students who are accepted for readmission to the University after Academic Suspension are placed into Academic Monitoring:

First Semester After Readmission

A student must earn a minimum semester and/or cumulative GPA of 2.0. If the semester GPA is a 2.0 or greater, but the cumulative GPA is not a 2.0 or greater, a student will have one additional semester to raise their cumulative GPA to a 2.0 or greater. If a student fails to achieve a semester and/or cumulative GPA of a 2.0 or greater they will be placed on Academic Dismissal.

Second Semester After Readmission

A student must earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 by the end of their second semester after readmission or they will be placed on Academic Dismissal.

Upon readmission students must work with an advisor to complete an academic plan

Academic Dismissal

Students placed on Academic Dismissal may appeal their dismissal only once and all decisions reached by the Scholastic Appeals Committee are final. Those dismissed are not eligible for readmission and cannot enroll in any courses at the University (an exception exists – please see Academic Renewal Policy).

Summer and/or Winter Classes Impact on Academic Standing:

Academic Notice: If enrolled in summer or winter classes, and a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater is earned as a result of a winter or summer course, the student will return to good academic standing. However, if grades earned in winter or summer courses do not raise the cumulative GPA to 2.0, they will remain on academic notice.

Academic Suspension but participating in ADVS 198: If registered for ADVS 198 by the specified deadline, the student may remain enrolled in their summer or winter classes. If a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater is earned as a result of winter or summer courses, the student will return to good academic standing. However, if grades earned in winter or summer courses do not raise the cumulative GPA to 2.0, they will remain on academic suspension and enrolled in ADVS 198.

Academic Suspension (not participating in ADVS 198) or Academic Dismissal: Montclair State University will automatically remove students from any fall or spring classes for which they may be registered. Students are permitted to remain enrolled in only those winter or summer courses that immediately follow the semester of academic suspension or dismissal. If enrolled in summer or winter classes, and a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater is earned as a result of a winter or summer course, the student will return to good academic standing. However, grades earned in winter or summer courses that do not raise the cumulative GPA to 2.0 will not positively impact a student’s academic standing and the student will remain on Academic Suspension or dismissal.

For further clarification, please contact the Center for Academic Success and Tutoring at or at 973-655-5425.

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